Sunday, September 16, 2007

We didn't see as many drunken natives as we thought we were going to in Canada. Oops, I mean first nations. No, what's the pc term du jour? Actually, I was quite surprised going through some of the reserves to note that not all natives have 6.4 vehicles and 2.1 swingsets in their yards! We went to Ksan, which was a longer drive than I was expecting and made us an hour late for something, what I can't remember, so it couldn't have been that important! Anyway, as we were walking into the park there was a sign asking us to proceed to the gift shop to pay the admission fee. WHAT!! To see some freakin totem poles? Not a chance! So we snapped a quick pic and left. 

I still don't know what the big deal is about the carved tree things...

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