Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring into...

Just a few shots from that photo hunt I went on the other day.

Those pink things are supposedly edible. I know this only because they were sitting outside a bakery. Anything that is that particular shade of fuschia and doesn't melt in 30+ degrees is not edible in my books!

I've decided also that I need to venture further than three blocks from my house on the next photo venture. I think I have sixty shots of the same bushes from five different walks. The city just lacks any sort of inspiration for me... Actually, now that I say that, I think my next project is to capture the essence of night markets: the noxious neon, the raucous teenagers, the cacophonous cabbies... if only smell-0-vision existed for my camera, I could share the unique odors as well! (No, you don't want that, actually).

1 comment:

Magda said...

SERIOUSLY I've always wished you could take scratch and sniff pics! I mean how do you explain bangkok with out the sniffs?