Sunday, March 30, 2008

Bunnies, eggs, adhd

Easter would have passed me by once again if it hadn't been for my overzealous co-teacher, always on the ball and on the lookout for the next best photo opportunity. We took the school to the park and had a gigantic treasure hunt. No eggs were harmed in the event, and even though they were touting it as an "Easter Egg Hunt," the kids were searching for small Ziploc parcels of silver Hershey's Kisses. FYI: chocolate has a pretty low melting point, and having a chocolate hunting party in 28 degree sunshine makes baggies of chocolate soup!

We painted eggs in class again this year, and once again my co-teacher Jenny decided against taking my advice on not draining the insides. Giving hollowed-out eggs to five year olds and expecting them to be gentle with the fragile packages whilst painting them is a pretty tall order. We know this from last year; we had many egg casualties and many tears. To my surprise, this year was nearly a complete success as we only had one broken egg. The shit-for-brains kid who dented his egg was the same one who ruined my Five Tastes science experiment by spitting his salty taste back into the common bowl. That was the closest I've ever come to hitting a child. And I'm completely within my rights to call him whatever name comes to mind, because he is in fact a complete tosser. However, at school he'd never know that I didn't think he was my bff. This is my version of being professional, I suppose.

To go off on a tangent momentarily, I often wonder about this boy and his wild and erratic behavior. Is he this rambunctious naturally, or does he act out because he's the only Caucasian in the class? Or is it the overbearing mother? I suppose it must be all of the above, each to some degree. My knowledge of early childhood education and development comes solely from my immersion in teaching, and not through any bookwork.

The bunny eggs turned out well, and the kids were happy with the results, which is the reason we do these crafts, right? One of the bunnies, sadly, will never see properly again.

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